Assert Assignment



I removed the exercise on prototypes from this assignment. If you view the video, you can stop at the point when I start to talk about Javascript prototypes.


The purpose of this assignment is to learn about Javascript in the context of Node.js development.

A good source of information about Javascript is available through the Mozilla Developer Network.

Javascript typically runs inside a browser. Inside this runtime environment, programs can access functionality defined as part of the Javascript language and additional functionality provided by the browser. For example, Error is a constructor function that is part of the Javascript language, however XMLHttpRequest is a constructor function that is not part of the language but provided by the application programming interface (API) of browsers.

Similar to browsers, Node.js is an execution environment for programs written in Javascript. However, it offers an API that is different than the one offered by browsers.

Node.js supports Javascript but provides an API different from the one provided by browsers.

The additional functionality of Node.js supports the construction of command line programs in general and servers in particular. Some of this functionality is provided through names in global or module scope. Read Globals for more information.

In Javascript, objects in global scope are attributes of a global object. In browsers, a reference to the global object is obtained through the name window; in Node.js, it is accessed through the name global.

Outside of global scope, much of the additional functionality provided by Node.js can be accessed through predefined modules. Modules are just Javascript objects, but you might want to think of them as static classes, singleton classes, packages, or namespaces from other languages.

When you write Node.js programs, you will organize your code into modules. The module with a program's entry point is provided on the command line when you run Node.js. Suppose you have a file named main.js in the current directory; then you run this as a module with the following command.

node main

When programs get big, you need to divide the code into separate modules. When one module needs to access the state or functionality of another module, you use a Node.js global function named require to obtain a reference to it. As an example, suppose your program is divided into 2 files main.js and util.js. Inside the main module you can get a reference to the util module as follows.

var util = require('./util');

This assignment makes use of the Node.js assert module. To use this module, you need to require it as follows.

var assert = require('assert');

If you pass a true value to assert nothing happens; if you pass a false value, execution terminates with a failed assertion message. For example, the following program will terminate with a failed assertion message.

assert(2 + 2 === 5);  // generates failed assertion message

The following program will terminate with no message.

var assert = require('assert');
assert(2 + 2 === 4);  // no message

Assignment folder

Create folder ~/405/assert to hold the results of your work on this assignment. When you are finished with this assignment, this folder should contain the following files.


Javascript has 2 equality operators: == and ===. The operator == tries to coerce its operands to the same type and then checks equality. The operator === does not try coercion. For example, the number 0 can be coerced into boolean false. As a result, the following expression evaluates to true.

0 == false  // true

However, the following is false because === does no type coercion.

0 === false  // false

The following program shows how to express this using assertion statements.

var assert = require('assert');
assert(0 == false);
assert(!(0 === false));

We can simplify the last line of the above program with the knowledge that != is the negation of == and !== is the negation of ===.

assert(0 !== false);

The following table contains pairs of expressions that you should investigate for type-coerced equality (== and !=) and strict equality (=== and !==). In the table LHS is left-hand side and RHS is right-hand side of the equality operator.

{ x: 0 }{ x: 0 }
a where var a = 0;b where var b = 0;
c where var c = { x: 0 };d where var d = { x: 0 };
c where var c = { x: 0 };e where var e = c;

Create a program in a file named equality.js that contains assertions that demonstrate the type-coercing and non-type-coercing equality between each pair of expressions in the table. Your program would start as follows and continue to include 2 assertions for each row in the table.

var assert = require('assert');

// compare 0 and false
assert(0 == false);
assert(0 !== false);

// compare 1 and true
assert(1 == true);
assert(1 !== true);

// compare 3 and true
// ...
// ...


The Node.js assert module has another useful assertion function named throws, which complains if an assertion is not thrown. The following program runs without any failure messages.

var assert = require('assert');

function imgood() {
  if (2 + 2 !== 4) {
    throw new Error('Something\'s wrong.');

function imbad() {
  throw new Error('I\'m bad.');

console.log('All tests passed.');

Experiment with throwing instances of Error. Create file exceptions.js to document your work. Structure exceptions.js so that it does not display failure messages when run.

Error is a constructor function that is part of the Javascript language.