Gift Assignment



The purpose of this assignment is to develop mastery of all the techniques covered in this course.

This assignment builds on the gems assignment.

Assignment folder

The starting point for this assignment is the code you developed for the gems assignment. However, don't work in the gems folder; instead, work in a copy of the gems folder named gift. So, start this assignment by making a copy of your gems folder and name it gift.


Extend your gems application (the one with the game screen) so that users can gift gems to each other. For simplicity, send only a single gem at a time. Add the gifting functionality to the application through an additional screen that the user navigates to.

The gifting screen should have the following 3 controls:

Your code needs to handle the possibility of version conflicts at several points. You should handle these conflicts following the pattern established in the previous assignment: the application updates any stale information in the user's interface and tells the user to try again. However, there is one place that is a little complicated. In the gifting operation, the number of gems in the gift giver document needs to be reduced by one and the number in the gift recipient's document needs to be increased by one. It is possible that one of these operations suceeds and the other fails because one of the underlying documents gets updated by some other activity. For example, imagine the following sequence of events.

In the above senario, A's request to gift a gem fails when the server tries to update B's document because it has an old version string. Our strategy in this and similar situations is to ask the user to try again. For this to be fair to the user, we should try to add a gem to B's document before subtracting a gem from A's document. If the update to B's document succeeds and then the update to A's document fails, then A is not charged for a gem that gets transferred to B. In a game application, this is probably a better outcome than the other way around, where A is charged a gem that B never gets. For this reason, we should update the gift recipient's document first, and if that succeeds, update the gift giver's document. If we want to guard against this outcome, we would need add more complex code that guarrantees that the 2 updates occur as a single transaction that succeeds as a whole or fails as a whole. In addition to increasing the complexity of our code (which increases human labor costs), the application would also run more slowly and consume more network and hardware resources. For a game, these additional costs are likely to be unjustified.